INSIDE – 1st Newsletter

INSIDE – 1st Newsletter

INSIDE – 1st Newsletter

INSIDE is an Erasmus+ Sport program, a collaborative partnership that aims to promote social inclusion of PwID through sport. As part of the project activities, an innovative training methodology for PwID will be developed and a capacity building training course will be created.

Target group

People with intellectual disabilities (PwID), sports coaches, professionals working with PwID, associated organizations, NGOs, stakeholders in national and EU level and local communities.

Agreement number: 622450-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-SPO-SCP
Project Duration: 24 Months

Organization Earth, Greece,(Coordinator)
Margarita, Greece
Barca Foundation, Spain
US Acli, Italy
Arcil, Portugal
Health Life Academy, Croatia

Current implementation phase: IO1 Empowering Sport Methodology Handbook, IO2 “Easy-to-read” Sport and Games Guide, IO4 Web-tool


The project’s kick-off meeting took place online during March,following the COVID-19 restrictions and health regulations. Thepartnership agreed to the project’s timeline and started workingtowards achieving the project’s aims.
During the first project’s semester, partners have been working on thedevelopment of an empowering training methodology based on thecollection of best practices. The project team aims to create anempowering sport and games methodology that will be further used forachieving the project’s objectives.


The partners are currently working on the development of the “Easy-to-read” Sport and Games Guide (IO2) and the Webtool (IO4). Thedevelopment of the “Easy-to-read” Sport and Games Guide aims to offerto PwID an easy and creative toolkit for promoting their involvementin sports and games by promoting their autonomy in terms oforganizing such activities. The Webtool will serve as a digital platformfor connecting sports coaches, people working in the field ofempowering PwID as well as PwID for promoting their socialempowerment through sports participation.

For more information follow projects official facebook page.